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Masterthesis Effects of dynamic electricity price tariffs on active grid customers and smart grids 17.04.2024 FGH GmbH Aachen
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Masterthesis Effects of dynamic electricity price tariffs on active grid customers and smart grids
Aktualität: 17.04.2024


17.04.2024, FGH GmbH
Masterthesis Effects of dynamic electricity price tariffs on active grid customers and smart grids
The existing optimization model is to be extended by further parameters and constraints and the resulting consumption behavior is to be analyzed in detail. In addition, the model is to be enhanced with an automated interface to the load flow simulation program that is being used. In addition to the existing model, models of the individual components and software tools for determining the underlying consumption time series can be utilized for this purpose.
Degree in computer science or engineering or industrial engineering (electrical engineering, computer science, mechanical engineering, power engineering). You are interested in current research topics related to the future energy supply task. Knowledge of Python or C++ is an advantage. Basic knowledge in the construction of optimization models as well as experience in dealing with with object-oriented programming are advantageous
