
Jobportal der Hochschule RheinMain Aktuelle Angebote für Absolvent:innen

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Software Engineers (m/w/d) Hackers wanted
Aktualität: 19.03.2025


19.03.2025, technologies gmbh
Software Engineers (m/w/d) Hackers wanted
You start in one of our engineering teams. Team size is maximum five people. You will receive a lot of introductory training in the first weeks about the technologies you are going to use in your project. The trainings are conducted by software engineers from our own company. You are involved in every part of the software engineering process and in the lifecycle of the services that your team is building - design, development, testing, deployment, maintenance, operations and improving software based on user feedback and usage data. You work closely with our customers to iteratively improve their product offering by conceiving, refining and delivering new ideas.
Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or related fields like Mathematics or Physics Experience in C/C++, Python or Java Ability to learn fast Bonus skills or interests: Master or PhD in Computer Science or related fields like Mathematics or Physics Algorithms and data structures, understanding time & space complexity Experience in Go, Kotlin, TypeScript or JavaScript Experience in front end development, like ReactJS, Angular, Vue or Flutter/Dart Functional programming with Common Lisp, Clojure or Haskell Experience working with distributed systems in the Cloud Experience in Machine Learning and Data Science Competitive Programming


